Mustard Oil Making Business

Mustard Oil Making Business

Mustard Oil Production Business

As our business blogs is based on small business ideas that can be done easily in part-time. We preferred such a business in which no special skills are required for business. All these business idea is mainly focus that any type of gender, students and old age people easily manage this.

The mustard oil production business is one of those business ideas. All this blog depends on practical work in which dollars will stay away from imaginary ploys. Know the details of this business.

There are many such businesses, and the rate of profit is very good. But the main problem in such a business is the sale of the product. In this blog, we are going to tell you about such a business. Both the final product and the waste are saleable. And you don’t have to go from street to street to shop to sell them. Both of these things will go hand in hand. If you want to sell more, put marketing into it. Let’s start a new business, which is called mustard oil production.

What is fear from business?

One of the main reasons for hesitation in business is not being completely sure of the income from business. If your monthly household expenses are 50 thousand rupees, then you will prefer a job that pays your monthly expenses in full, and saving should be done. One has to face a lot of hesitation when doing this business. Because with a job worth 70 thousand rupees per month, you can easily manage household expenses. But you cannot focus on your business because the income from there is not certain. There is uncertainty about income. Will the expenses of my house be covered by it or not? This is the only thought that makes people stay away from doing business. While almost all private jobs are being given to you by businessmen. So start your own business. . Don’t go asking for jobs.

Where do we use Mustard Oil.

Mustard oil is used in various fields, most commonly in food and as an organic food. There is the following area of use of Mustard oil,

  • Used in Cooking,
  • Used in Frying,
  • Used in head and body massage,
  • Used for animal treatment,
  • Used for preserved pickles,
  • Used as an organic food,

How to Produce Mustard Oil.

  • Oil Press Machine

The oil press machine is an excellent technology in Pakistan. This machine resolves many issues with oil extraction from any seeds. There is an old conventional way to produce or extract oil from seeds. It will require a very heavy-voltage machine and special expertise for the extraction of oil from seeds. There is a very unhygienic atmosphere when extracting oil. No one wants or is ready to use such products for cooking or edible things. Nowadays, there is a very smart machine that is placed in a very small space with a domestic electric meter, which will consume very low voltages for production. There is a filter involved for cleaning the oil. These filters clean your oil from dust and other things that is involved in it. At the time of production, the machine will give you a very hygienically clean product. There is no waste of oil in the form of dust, mud, and others.

  • Mustard Seeds.

Mustard seeds is commonly available in any Ghalla mandi (grain) market. These are dried seeds that will be used for oil purposes. Mustard seed is available in two colors. Both seeds are used for extraction purposes. There is no difference in the price of these seeds. Clear these seeds from dust and mud. The mustard seed rate is low in the crop season, which starts in January and ends in March.

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Manufacturing process.

There is a very simple way to start your business. Now install cold press expeller machine  and start it on. When machine power is on then insert mustard seed in it. Now here your work is finish. The machine will now start producing oil and seed waste. Place any storage container below the nozal because oil will flow out of the nozal.

Now just handle the raw waste and finish it in the shape of oil. Your oil is available for sale. Grain market is a best place where you sell your product.Seed raw waste material which is in shape of Khall which is very demanding product for animal food.  Both things are sold in grain market.

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Business calculations.

Mustard seeds= 40kg= 7000

Finish good mustard oil= 14kg

Khall raw good=26kg

Now Mustard oil rate in market is 600/kg

You would sell in 500/kg to wholesaler. mean that your 16 kg oil is= 8000

Seed waste market rate is 120/kg,  You sold in 100/kg to wholesalers, which means that 24 kg = 2400.

Now your total income is

Mustard oil =8000

Khall seed waste= 2400

Total is=10400

Total expance=7000

Saving= 3400

All expance of electricity = 300

Labour = 200

You will earn 2900/40kg seed.  You will extract only 5 mun each day you will earn 15000/day and monthly you earn 450,000 /month.

There is no limitation of both stock sales. There is always high demand in market.

Now start your work today and enjoy business .

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