Salt Packing Business

salt making business

Salt Business Information.


Salt packing business is very low level of investment business. This business is started with very low capital. Table salt business is not a seasonal business. We use salt all the year. some products are used as a seasonally but here is product that is basic need product. You can do as side business and manage it very easily. Our blog is based on small business idea, low level of business investment ideas.

Area of Use Salt.

Salt is used in almost every house. In every restaurant or any food point, the use of salt is necessary in almost every meal. It is a business that never declines. It is extracted from mines in Pakistan. It is in the form of stones and it is finely ground and used for food.

  • Food items,
  • house hold,
  • Food Business,



raw tabel salt

Table salt packing is a small business that requires very little machinery, time and space. This is a business that you can easily do yourself. The beauty of this business is sales it will be sale in every food shops and just packing is called production. This is a business which can be started at a very low cost and a very reasonable profit can be made. Its demand is not only in Pakistan but you can also export it. And export income is very important not only for you but also for this country. Come and start table salt business.



Uses of Salt and Market.

  • Your kitchen
  • Hotel
  • Restaurant
  • Fast food
  • Or any food shop.
  • keryana store,
  • departmental store,
  • grocery store.

Although it is used in daily items, any food is incomplete without it.

From this you can estimate its demand. Pakistan is rich in all kinds of mineral resources. And having a salt mine in Pakistan is no less than a great blessing.

Salt Mine In Pakistan.

These areas of Pakistan in which






these are areas who is rich in salt resources. Salt is mined from here and supplied all over Pakistan. You can get salt from these areas in both forms. Blocks of salt which we call rock salt and finely ground salt.

Types Of Table Salt.

  • Finely ground white salt.

  • White salt granules.

  • White salt idonized.


  • Salt nuggets.

raw tabel salt

  • Pink Salt.

  • Black salt.

Each type of salt has different properties. Both white and pink salt are used in cooking.

While black salt is generally used in fruit and juice.

How to do business of Table Salt.

Brand registration.

First of all, you register your brand.

 brand name. This is your identity. There is an organisation that registers brands in Pakistan, whose name is I.P.O. You have to register your brand from this organisation.

you also do business of;DETERGENT POWDER MAKING


You can design any beautiful packaging in which your name is given to the place of business of your brand name. These are usually made of plastic bags. Then the bags of your design are printed. If you are short of capital, you can also buy the bags made from the market, on which your name and brand name will not appear at all. You can do this on tri bases.

  • Plastic pouches ready to Made.

  • Own Named plastic puch,

  • Own plastic film reels.

  • Glass Jar.

  • Plastic jar of salt.

If you don’t want to get the bags printed, you can pack the salt inside the jar, this will also increase the price of your salt, which will help you identify a good brand at a lower price. Plastic and glass jars are mixed, pack the salt in this jar, put your sticker on it and your brand will be ready.

Peeled Garlic Business

Method of packing bags.

There are different types of machines available to do this. The cost of machine is varied as per their speed and specifications. The cheapest packing machine is the manual packing machine. Start a business with manual packing machine.

  • Manual Machine pouch sealing,

In this machine you can seal ready made pouch easily, either its your name brand pouch or its branded pouches. There is one person who operate machine will easily sealing the pouches. But there is very time wasting job. It’s good for beginners.

  • Pouch making machine auto.

There is brand reels and films are involved, this machine automatically counts its weight automatically and make a pouch easily, you can pack here 500 to 1000gm in this machine. Its very time saving and speedy work machine which is used in middle class business  of table salt.

  • Pouch sealing machine auto.

Here you fixed your scaled pouch on machine conveyor its seal the pouch fastly, its speed depend on your pouches that you place in conveyor.

  • Jar Packing.

In this procedure you did not used any machine. You do it manually all steps. You need only a small weight machine for measuring weight of salt. Just fox the jar palace sticker on it and your brand is ready.

Business feasibility.

Option 1.

Pouch Ready Made= 5/piece

24 pieces @5= 120
Salt= 6/kg

24*6 = 144


24 pouches each carton


Total expanse=354

Each pouch costing=15

Running expanse for business.

Sealing Machine Manual= 2500

Weight scale=2000

Brand registration=15000

Net total=19500

Option 2.

Pouch Reels = 2.2/piece

24 pieces @2.20= 52.80
Salt= 6/kg

24*6 = 144


24 pouches each carton


Total expanse=266

Each pouch costing=11

Running expanse for business.

Pouch sealing Machine = 250,000

Brand registration=15000

Net total=265000

Option #3.

Pouch ready made = 5/piece

24 pieces @= 120
Salt= 6/kg

24*6 = 144


24 pouches each carton


Total expanse=334

Each pouch costing=13.90

Running expanse for business.

Pouch sealing Machine Auto = 100000

Brand registration=15000

Net total=115000.

Now you are able to start your small business . if you have query related to this business then contact us. we will guide and support you.

2 thoughts on “Salt Packing Business”

  1. Pingback: vinegar business, vinegar making, small business

  2. Pingback: Mustard Oil Making Business - small scale business,

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